1500 Calorie Meal Plan for Weight Loss!!!!


fruits and veggies….perfect for healthy meals


doesn’t want to get a healthy body? Who doesn’t want to lose weight and
get in shape?YES…we want to…but many of us lie on the couch or bed and
daydream of it!! But only few are able to do it and achieve their
desired body goals by sticking to a conventional way of dieting,
including some specific meals and food items only. But have you thought
of the variation of foods and meals you can add in your 1500 calorie meal plan for weight loss




You will be excited when you go through this “1500 calorie meal plan”
with nutritious, vegetarian and non-vegetarian, filling meals that that
will surely keep you satiated and thus aid in weight loss!

spices..without them, every single meal is incomplete!

we have to know the calculations! How much calorie is needed for our
body to function smoothly and easily. Calories are just an unit of
energy. Calories are the amount of energy released by our body when it
breaks up the food that we have consumed!

Every individual’s total
calorie intake is different and it differs every day! It is different
for people with different age, different weights, and health concerns
and so on.

Take help of an app to find out the amount of calories required, track down the daily calories consumed and  the water intake and also .

1500 calorie meal plan (both for vegetarian and non-vegetarian)



  • Vegetable peanut poha / boiled eggs and a piece of roasted brown bread with little bit of peanut butter.



  • Vegetable besan chilla /oats egg pancakes with honey.


  • Paneer bhurji sandwich/ egg bhurji and roasted brown bread.





  • Oats porridge with fruits of your choice




  • A medium sized banana or an apple




  • Mix nuts like cashews , almonds , walnuts and raisins




  • Brown rice khichdi with roasted papad and pickle/ brown rice and chicken curry or fish curry



  • Brown rice and paneer pulao with raita / brown rice chicken biryani




  • Paneer pasta salad/chicken pasta salad


  • Grilled paneer skewers / grilled fish with a plate of green salad



  • Green tea with roasted chana chat


  • Green tea with roasted makhana


  • Sauted veggies / fruits salad


  • Lassi/buttermilk/sattu drink



  • Idli with sambar/ one roti and chicken masala with salad




  • Tomato soup and brown bread/chicken soup


  • Paneer Masala dosa with sambar/oats roti and egg curry


  • Paneer paratha/oats roti with soya chunks sabji



     READ MORE: Best Dinner For Weight Loss!!


    not consume milk tea or black tea or any sugary items right after waking up.

    Instead start your day with a glass of water or healthy morning shots and then
    head to breakfast. Never skip breakfast no matter how hard it takes…Having an
    early breakfast keeps our energy levels high throughout the day, keeps us
    satiated and prevents food cravings.


    should always be in right proportion
    .After that you can head to the gym or
    follow your workout routine. Always have a mid-morning snack , it might be  a healthy drink or nutrient rich snack that
    is enough to keep you full until lunch time!


    enough water
    …this doesn’t mean you have to drink 8 glasses of water in a day even
    if you don’t want to. You should gradually increase the water intake…it may
    take a month or so..but it should increase.


    a light yet satisfying and fulfilling lunch.
    This will help to avoid feeling
    sleepy or lethargic for the rest of the day but also keep you fuller till
    evening snacks.Have good source of fats like cow Ghee ..it not only makes the
    food taste better but also make you feel fuller for longer time period and
    avoids unnecessary cravings.


    evening snacks should be in small proportion, hassle free and satisfying
    that you can have an early dinner with equal energy and avoid overeating!


    has to be similar to lunch but again in the right proportion!
    Avoid having
    heavy fatty meals and avoid sleeping right after having food! Minimum gap of 2
    hrs must be maintained between dinner and bedtime.


    you are extremely tired then have an early dinner and skip the evening snacks..



    Thus the main focus is to have breakfast, lunch and dinner in light,
    small and adequate proportions so that we can avoid eating junk foods, fast
    foods and other sugary foods that prevents the process of weight loss!!

     Believe in the foods you are cooking with so much effort and have faith while having them…love the process, then only you can achieve your desired goal! 

    The main
    thing is consistency. You will find it hardest at the beginning and as you
    continue and see those small changes in your body , you will automatically get
    in the routine. NOTHING COMES EASY! Initially it will be tough but when you
    will see the result, all the hard work will be worth it!!!


    • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

      1.       How much weight can you lose on a
      1500 calorie diet?

      The weight loss depends
      on many factors like metabolism and other hormonal issues …but approximately
      one can lose upto 1 to 2 kgs in a month if following this diet along with a
      proper workout routine.


      2.       Is 1500 calories too much to lose

      Obviously not! Most
      adult females require 1600-2000 calories per day and adult males around
      2000-2500 calories per day . Thus following a 1500 – 1800 calorie diet will
      automatically lead to weight loss that too coupled with a good workout regime.


      3.       How much fat do you lose per 1000

      Suppose your daily calorie intake is
      1700 calories . but you are following a diet of 1400 calories thus creating a
      deficit of about 300 calories . Adding exercise will also burn calories ..now
      if you burn  7700 calories  you will lose 1 kg of fat…that means per 1000
      calories you will lose 0.129598 kgs of fat i.e. 129.598 grams of fat!!!

        4.       How many steps to burn 500 calories?

    10,000 steps equals to 5
    miles…suppose you are 180pounds then by simple mathematics 100*5 miles =500

      5.        How to lose 1kg a week?

    7700 calories equals to 1 kgs…If you
    want to lose 1 kgs in a week you have to burn around 1100 calories each day
    which is not a healthy neither sustainable choice …..Its better to progress
    slowly and steadily.

    Read More: Brown Rice For Weight Loss!!!

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