75 Hard Challenge Rules


Trending on social media , these days the hashtag #75Hard is everywhere posted with physical progress pictures, a book cover or a gym selfie.But the question is what is this 75 Hard Challenge all about? Is it something one must consider trying? What are the 75 Hard Challenge Rules? Lets go trough all of these……

Created in 2019, by entrepreneur ANDY FRISELLA , a podcaster and CEO of the Supplement company 1st Phorm.According to the program’s website 75 Hard is not basically a fitness challenge but a “transformative mental toughness program”

On his website he writes

“75 HARD is the only program that can permanently change your life….from the way of thinking to the level of discipline you approach every single task in front of you with”

Moreover the website claims that more than 100,000 people have “completely changed their lives” thanks to the program.Sounds interesting !Isn’t it?The truth be told that this challenge is not backed up by science and many argue that hardcore routine is unsustainable,restrictive and potentially dangerous.So should we follow it? Lets go deep into the matter.

75 Hard Challenge Rules
75 Hard Challenge!!!


For 75 consecutive days, 75 hard participants must do the following everyday, according to welcome email of this program!

  • FOLLOW A DIET: Stick to one proper diet, and only that diet!Avoid alcohol and meals outside the chosen diet.Frisella writes on the site ” I developed 75 HARD to run-in line with your current diet program…no matter what it is!”
75 Hard Challenge Rules
  • COMPLETE TWO 45 MINUTES WORKOUTS: Out of these two, one has to be outdoors.No matter what the weather is!
75 Hard Challenge Rules
  • TAKE A PROGRESS PICTURE OF YOURSELF: Take daily progress pictures to track the progress,motivate yourself and keep going!
75 Hard Challenge Rules
  • DRINK A GALLON OF WATER:If unable to drink a gallon of water,take half of your body weight and drink that many ounces of water.Someone who weighs 200 pounds doesn’t even need to drink the total 128 ounces in a gallon of water.
75 Hard Challenge Rules
  • READ 10 PAGES OF A BOOK: Audiobooks are not included, Inspirational and non fiction books are to be preferred.Given that its a small amount of reading, its perfect to build a new habit!
75 Hard Challenge Rules

WHAT?Think that’s a lot? There’s more..If you fail to complete these six tasks eveyday, you have to start back at DAY ONE!Frisella acknowledges it might seem intense, but if you get through it, “you will come out on the other side as the hardest, most disciplined version of yourself”


  1. IT HELPS YOU TO DEVELOP HEALTHY HABITS:Reading non fiction could encourage you to carve out time in your day to boost your knowledge as well as helping to reduce stress and screen time.
  2. IMPROVEMENT IN YOUR FITNESS LEVEL:Following such a good nutrition and exercise programme for continuous 75 days will definitely improve your fitness and help in weight management.Also drinking as much water as you can will keep you more hydrated and make you feel more energetic throughout the day!
  3. EASILY CUSTOMISABLE:In this challenge, unlike others, you get to choose the diet that suits you,the exercises meant for you and can choose the books to read!
  4. IMPROVES YOUR QUALITIES:This challenge helps to improve concentration,self-esteem,perseverance,self -worth,fortitude,self-belief,Grittiness.It enhances your personality and brings out the best version of yourself!



Embracing the role of a nutrition enthusiast, I wholeheartedly advocate for individuals to delve into the intricacies of their dietary choices and exercise regimens. With the spotlight on the 75 Hard Challenge, a regimen that undoubtedly ignites this awareness, I find myself intrigued by its potential impact,” affirms Noah Quezada. Hailing from the captivating landscapes of Colorado and bearing the title of a registered dietitian nutritionist, I stand in awe of how this challenge has emerged as a catalyst for change.



Embedded within the core of the 75 Hard Challenge lies a gem of consistency – a concept I hold dear to my heart. Through my discerning lens, I perceive consistency as the golden thread that weaves success into the fabric of any health and fitness expedition. The significance of this program, in my eyes, lies not only in its rigorous routines but in its unwavering commitment to fostering this consistency.

Having embarked on the challenging odyssey of the 75 Hard program, seasoned mindset coach Carrie Veatch stands as a living testament to the journey’s transformative power. The echoes of her experience resound with a unique resonance, illuminating a path toward liberation from negativity while celebrating the untapped potential residing within our minds and bodies.

Stepping into the shoes of a mindset coach, Carrie’s perspective on the program is drenched in insight. For her, the 75 Hard challenge isn’t just about physical exertion and dietary discipline; it’s an expedition into the uncharted territories of our own mental landscapes. As she weaves her narrative, it becomes apparent that the challenge is more than the sum of its parts – it’s a voyage toward mental fortitude and a sanctuary of self-discovery.

Carrie’s enjoyment of the challenge isn’t just a passing sentiment; it’s a testament to the alchemy occurring when commitment intersects with resilience. In her words, the challenge acts as a crucible where negativity is transmuted into determination. It’s a journey that demands individuals to stand in front of their own doubts and fears, and through perseverance, reduce them to mere whispers in the presence of their newfound strength.

The 75 Hard program, in Carrie’s lens, embodies the essence of commitment and follow-through. It offers a canvas upon which individuals can paint their aspirations and unveil their dormant capabilities. It’s a testament to the power of saying “yes” to oneself and following through on that commitment – a testimony that what lies beyond the realm of comfort is a world of achievement and transformation.

What Carrie’s experience reveals is that the challenge isn’t just about physical endurance; it’s about embracing a holistic perspective on health. It’s about attuning our minds and bodies, recognizing that they are intrinsically interconnected instruments that play in harmony when in sync. The challenge becomes a catalyst for not only sculpting a stronger physique but also a more resilient mindset.


SOURCE :Katie Callaway

In the realm of personal training and kettlebell expertise, Sophie Banyard’s journey through the 75 Hard program stands as a testament to the tenacity of the human spirit. Her unique perspective adds a layer of authenticity to the challenge, highlighting both its toughness and feasibility.

As a seasoned fitness professional, Sophie’s words hold a unique weight. Completing the 75 Hard challenge was no small feat, but her determination revealed a powerful lesson: the human potential is vast, waiting to be unlocked by a resolute mindset. With a voice of experience, Sophie echoes the sentiment that when we align our intentions with unwavering commitment, we uncover the boundless possibilities that each day holds.

Sophie’s journey wasn’t solely a physical expedition; it was a voyage into the intricacies of time management and prioritization. Through the lens of the 75 Hard challenge, she discovered that the limitations we often perceive are self-imposed. The challenge became a canvas on which she painted the colors of discipline and diligence, creating a masterpiece of accomplishment against the backdrop of busy schedules.

Beyond the physical and temporal triumphs, Sophie’s story takes an unexpected turn toward personal transformation. The 75 Hard challenge acted as a catalyst, propelling her towards a monumental decision – the complete abandonment of alcohol. In her eyes, this life-altering choice ranks among the most significant she’s ever made. This revelation underscores the challenge’s capacity to spark profound shifts in mindset and lifestyle, influencing choices that resonate far beyond the confines of the program’s 75 days.


  • LACK OF SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE: ‘Frisella does not provide scientific evidence for how the components of the programme should develop or prove mental toughness thus its basically a collection of arbitary rules that one has to follow each day!”says Psycologist and eating disorder specialist Rachael Evans.The challenge highlights on drinking 4.5 litres of water each day which is nearly impossible to follow each day because water intake of an individual greatly depends on body weight,muscle mass, how much they exercise, the climate and how much they sweat!Therefore drinking 4.5 litres of water for many people,is way too much and can have physiological consequences.


  • POTENTIAL RISK OF INJURY:The challenge does not include any rest day which is a big NO!,says Personal trainer Hannah Lewin.”Rest and recovery is a vital part of the progress and not to include it in the programme is incredibly irresponsible in my opinion”says Hanna.Going on with this challenge without any rest days can put you in much higher risk of injury!Also there is not specific mention of warm up and cool down,rather it says “you can choose your own workout.”.. which itself increases the risk of injury.
75 hard challenge rules


  • 75 HARD COULD HARM YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH FOOD:Psycologist and eating disorder specialist Rachael Evans’ seasoned insight resonates profoundly: “The ephemerality of diets that shackle us to calorie counts and moralized food labels is evident.” His wisdom mirrors a chorus sung by nutritionists. Like the fitness axiom, this program refrains from dictating a singular “diet.”Evans’ caution strikes a chord. Without dietary clarity, some might plunge into drastic reductions, endangering health—particularly when coupled with intensified exercise. In this nutritional ballet, Evans underscores equilibrium—a symphony of nourishment, a dialogue with the body. His counsel serves as a compass, guiding participants away from extremes, towards the shores of holistic nutrition.With Evans’ voice, we sense the blend of sagacity and concern, an assurance that informed decisions fuse empowerment with well-being. Just as the program’s vigor invigorates, nutrition must sustain, safe within measured bounds.
  • MENTAL HEALTH MAY SUFFER: The founder of Halycon Therapy Group , Julie Landry , Psy.D,says that the 75 hard challenge can be “mentally draining”.”The challenge appears to be a collection of arbitary rules” says Landry.”To my knowledge there is no scientific evidence supporting the combined components of the plan or in some cases even the individual components”says Julie Landry.She also adds “The challenge is supposed to improve self worth but this could be detrimental.”
75 Hard Challenge Rules!!!



Ask these questions to yourself first before starting the program:

  • What will be my plan when this program ends?
  • What do I hope to achieve other than completing this challenge?
  • Will this program improve my current eating habits and exercise routine?
  • Is this the program that I can maintain forever or, it will become unrealistic in my lifestyle?

If you find answers to these questions and if you are determined to give 75 hard a go, first consult with a dietician and a trainer to create nutrition and fitness plans which is best suited for your goals!Moreover, if you find 75 hard isn’t fit for your lifestyle they will help you design a diet and physical fitness programme considering your health issues, that fits all the unique needs!

The 75 Hard Challenge’s wildfire spread across social platforms is undeniable. The allure of amplified mental resilience undoubtedly captivates. Yet, when twilight falls, the beacon of a harmonious, adaptable regimen shines brighter. In the grand chronicle of well-being, a nuanced, sustainable path unfurls, surpassing the stark rigidity of absolutes.

SOURCE: Andreas Poke

Also Read: Oprah Weight Loss Gummies!!!



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