Best Protein Powder for Weight Loss Females!!!!




Proteins , the queen of all nutrients,are large biomolecules that comprises of one or more long chains of amino acid residues.It performs a variety of functions including metabolic reactions,DNA replication,Responding to stimuli,providing structure to cells and organisms, and transporting molecules from one location to othet in our body.On the basis of sequence of amino acids, proteins differ from one another primarily.In this article, we are gonna go through the importance, function, types of protein and know in details the best protein powder for weight loss females…. 




Proteins are the most important and vital part of a healthy diet.They are made up of chemical ‘building blocks’ called amino acids that the body uses to build and repair muscles and bones to make hormones and enzymes.They can also be used as the main source of energy.


Our weight is actively regulated by our brain,particularly an area called hypothalamus.In order for your brain to determine when and how much to eat, it processes different types of information.Most important signals to the brain are hormones that change in response to feeding.A higher protein intake increases the levels of satiety (appetite-reducing hormones),while reducing the levels of hunger hormone ghrelin.By replacing fats and carbs with protein,you can reduce the hunger hormones and boost several satiety hormones.This ultimately leads to a major reduction in hunger and this is the main reason why protein helps you lose weight! Automatically it will make you eat fewer calories thus aiding weight loss!!

DO protein makes you burn more calories?

Due to high thermic effect and several other factors,ahigh protein diet tends to boost your metabolism,it makes you burn more calories including during sleep.A high protein intake has been shown to boost metabolism and increase the the amount of calories burned by about 80 to 100 per day!

This effectis particularly pronounced during overfeeding, or while eating calorie at a high amount.In one study, overfeeding with a high protein diet increased calories burned by 260 per day! 


By making you burn more calories,high protein diets have a “metabolic advantage” over diets that are low in protein.In one study, protein at 30% of calories caused people to automatically drop their calorie intake by 441 calories per day , which is a huge amount!

Thus we can infer that, eating a high protein diet can cause weight loss,even without counting calories, portion control or carb restriction.A modest intake in protein intake can also prevent weight regain!


According to dietary reference Intake report for macronutrients, a sedentary adult should consume 0.8grams of protein per kilogram of body weight,or 0.36 grams per pound.That means that the average sedentary man should eat about 56 grams of protein per day , and the average woman should eat about 46 grams of protein per day. 



The protein requirements greatly depend on the type of lifestyle you are leading i.e. sedentary, active, very active or not active….how much exercise you are doing or if you are in weight loss or Fat loss journey etc.You can easily calculate the amount of protein you need on a daily basis with the help of applications that determines the protein intake based on certain factors like Body weight,age , gender, lifestyle , exercise etc .etc.


We know that large portion of protein intake comes from meat and dairy, though it is possible to get enough protein while meeting certain dietary restrictions you might have. Generally, it is easier to meet your daily intake of protein by consuming meat and dairy but an excess of either can have a negative health impact. There are plenty of plant based protein options, but they generally contain less protein in a given serving. Ideally a person should consume a mixture of meat , dairy and plant based protein in order to have a balanced diet filled with nutrients.

A complete protein is a protein that contains a good amount of each of the nine essential amino acids required in the human diet. Examples of complete protein foods or meals includes:

· Eggs

· Chicken

· Cottage cheese

· Yogurt

· Milk

· Fish

· Other meats

Vegan/Plant based examples:

· Soy products

· Lentils and beans

· Quinoa

· Hemp and chia seeds

· Buckwheat

· Other legumes

The meat,poultry,fish,eggs and dairy products are complete protein sources whereas legumes,nuts and seeds, grains and vegetables are usually incomplete protein.There is nothing wrong with incomplete proteins however there are many healthy, high protein foods that are incomplete protein.As long as you consume sufficient variety of incomplete proteins to get all the required amino acids,it is not necessary to specifically eat complete protein foods.In fact, certain high fat red meats for example a common source of complete protein, can be unhealthy.Some examples of high protein foods that are not complete proteins:

· Almonds

· Chia seeds

· Oats

· Lentils

· Pumpkin seeds

· Peanuts

· Green peas

· Avocados

· Mushrooms

· broccoli


Protein powders are concentrated sources of protein from animal or plant foods such as dairy, eggs, rice or peas. 


There are three common forms basically:

 Protein concentrates:These are produced by extracting protein from whole foods using heat and acid or enzymes.These typically supply 60% to 80% protein, with the remaining 20% to 40% composed of fats and carbs.

Protein isolates:These are made through an additional filtering process which removes more fat and carbs , further concentrating the protein.Protein isolate powders contains 90% to 95% protein.

Protein hydrolysates:These are produced by further heating with acid or enzyme which breaks the bonds between amino acids.These are absorbed more quickly by our body.


A 2021 British Journal of nutrition meta-analysis comparing the effect of soy protein and whey protein supplementation on body composition showed that whey protein supplements significantly improved body composition via increases in lean body mass, without influencing fat mass, body mass and body fat percentage, while the same was not found for soy supplementation. This suggests possible benefits of weight loss, given what we know about increases in lean mass versus fat mass. WOMEN who are looking to improve strength, and tone may benefit from protein powder. Popular protein powder for women include whey protein, brown rice protein, hemp protein, among others.


The skepticism that women show towards weight training is the same for whey protein as well! It largely is a consequence of how whey protein has been packaged, marketed and of course there is a lack of general awareness!

Generally whey protein is promoted as a muscle-building supplement, which is true of course but it is also marketed by fitness models, bodybuilders and celebrities who are known to carry exceptional physique which appeals only the certain target audience and puts away people who are beginners, and especially females who already carry a fear of being bulky! 



But in reality, whey protein is nothing more than just an aid to fulfill the protein requirements of an individuals irrespective of gender and age. Protein requirements can also be fulfilled with proper food intake, for example, the calories and protein(essential amino acids) offered by whey protein are not different from 100 grams of chicken and 40 grams of soya. The factor which makes difference for whey protein is the convenience of consuming!

Research says that consuming approximately 25 to 30 grams of protein may aid in weight loss in females and males and preservation of lean body mass .However consuming protein powder can also increase daily calorie intake, which may impede weight loss if an individual is not exercising or in a calorie deficit. Consuming whey protein by a woman is completely safe and it is no different from men! So, if whey protein offers a great degree of convenience in finishing the daily protein requirement and is affordable, we encourage the same as a part of your diet!


While some research indicates that the best time to take protein powder is directly after exercising, newer research suggest that the timing of protein consumption has little effect on weight loss and muscle development. Instead when to consume protein powder should be based on an individual’s preference, tolerance and convenience.


Given the vast selection of protein powders on the market, paying attention to the ingredients and picking an option that’s going to work best for your body and preferences, rather than specifically seeking out a protein powder for weight loss…

Keep the following in mind when selecting a protein powder…

· Personal preference for either animal or plant based protein.

· Food allergies or sensitivities ,if any.

· Select a powder whose 1 scoop gives 20 to 30 grams of protein.

· Choose a powder that is low in sugar and saturated fats.

· Check if the product has undergone through third party testing and certification.

Protein powders can be a useful addition to woman’s diet , whether they want to improve their general health, lose weight, tone up or build muscle. Eating a balanced and nutritious diet is the ideal option for meeting the body’s protein needs. However protein powders offer convenience, and people can use them in a number of ways. Many plant – based and organic options are also available!

Last but not the least, your medical history as well as medications that may interact with ingredients in protein powder should be considered. Always consult with a registered dietician or doctor who is well versed in supplements and nutrition before incorporating a new supplement into your diet or increasing your protein intake.


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