Brown Rice for Weight Loss!!!!



RICE for weight loss?Quite surprising.. isn’t it? Very well known now a days brown rice with all the goodness and packed with nutrients is replacing white rice for weight watchers and fitness freaks!!!Why not?..As Indians we tend to have rice atleast once in our daily meal..but when it comes to weight loss or fat loss regime, we simply quit rice! That is neither the ideal thing nor the healthy way to lose weight! Your body needs certain nutrients that can be obtained from rice i.e. brown rice as well!!!Being skeptical about how to include brown rice in your meals, the nutritional values , how it helps in weight loss, what to take roti or rice?…go through this article… answers to all your questions lies here in this article BROWN RICE FOR WEIGHT LOSS!!! 


Brown rice husk….






Now, simply speaking we all are now a days very familiar with brown rice and its increasing demand for those who take fitness seriously! Brown rice is actually a whole grain rice with inedible outer husk completely removed, this kind of rice sheds its outer hull or husk but the bran or germ layer remain on, which constitutes the brown colour of the rice. 


Brown rice grains…



White rice is the same grain without the hull, the bran layer, and the cereal germ. Whole rice with differently pigmented outer layer includes Red Rice, Gold Rice and Black Rice(also called Purple Rice) 


White rice….


Purple Rice…..




Brown rice generally needs a bit more cooking time than normal white rice unless it is broken or flour blasted(which perforates the bran without removing it).Estimated cooking time of brown rice requires minimum of 35 minutes, can be less if soaked beforehand for 1 hour. A shorter cooking time is necessary for “converted” or “parboiled rice”. 



Brown rice khichdi…..



It has a shelf life of approximately 6 months, but hermetic storage, refrigeration or freezing can significantly extend its lifetime. Freezing, even periodically ,can also help control of infestations of Indian meal moths.



Brown rice and white rice almost have similar amount of carbohydrates and calories! Between 72% and 82% of dry weight of brown rice is starch, majority of which is digestible starch. Brown rice therefore has lowest protein and fiber content of cereal grains but highest starch and carbs while its energy content is second highest after oats! 


Red Rice….


Brown rice is a whole grain and a good source of magnesium, phosphorous, selenium, thiamine, niacin, vitamin B6,manganese and does provide some fiber too. Regular white rice, unlike brown rice has the bran and germ removed and thus have different nutritional content.

The average glycemic index of brown rice is 55 (considered as low- low is healthier than high)whereas the average glycemic index of white rice is higher at 64.



There are various tasty and fulfilling dishes that can be made with brown rice, which is loaded with nutrition and is also good for those who are on weight loss journey and also for those who wants to make fitness a priority!

Brown rice khichdi, Brown rice idli, Brown rice dosa, mix veg brown rice, brown rice chicken biryani, brown rice paneer pulao,brown rice chicken bow…..are some of the delicious and healthy options! 


Brown rice Dosa and idli….



Initially, for those who have been relying on white rice, would find it different in taste, texture and lose the urge of including it! But if you don’t give up and fall in love with the taste, the flavor, the dishes that can be made with brown rice..I bet you , you would definitely replace white rice with brown rice. Remember beginning is always difficult , but once you win over the difficulties.. you are gonna see the results!I myself have been eating brown rice for past 3 years and now white rice has become tasteless to me!



Brown rice contains more dietary fiber than white rice.Higher fiber foods will help you to keep fuller for a longer period of time while taking in fewer calories!If you replace white rice with brown rice, you will be able to eat less without feeling hungrier.

Replacing white rice with brown rice helps to reduce belly fat too. In one study 40 overweight women who ate 2/3 cups(150 grams) of brown rice per day for six weeks had significant reductions in body weight and waist circumference compared to women who had the same amount of white rice! 


Losing inches….



The amount of brown rice you should eat for weight loss depends on your daily calorie requirement and weight loss goals.A good starting point is to include 1 to 2 servings (1/2 cup to 1 cup cooked )brown rice per day as a part of healthy diet!



In a country like India, where every meal includes carbs in form of either rice or rotis,limiting this would be a tough task!It is almost impossible to stop eating them..All you can do is take these in moderation , in right proportion…But most people get stuck in the dilemma which one to pick for dinner!

Roughly saying, not much difference is there in nutritional value of rice and roti. Both are obtained by processing grains and the main difference is the content of sodium. Rice has negligible sodium content while 120 grams of wheat has 190mg of sodium. White rice is stripped of its essential nutrients, which are available in bran and germ portion. So, it has fewer nutrients and more calories.60gram of rice has 80 calories, 1 gram of protein, 0.1 gram of fat, 18 grams of carbohydrates.A small 6 inch roti has 71 calories, 3 grams of protein,0.4 gm of fat and 15 grams of carbohydrates.Rice has less amount of phosphorous and magnesium as compared to wheat.Both rice and wheat have folate and iron in the same quantity. 


Brown rice , chicken and veggies…


Brown rice prawn biryani…




Both of them are good choices but the main thing to keep in mind is the portion control!One must be careful about the portion sizes and should complete dinner by 8 pm in order to lose weight.Also carbohydrate rich foods late at night leads to bloating and may cause hindrance in absorption of nutrients by the body! 


Wheat roti (Indian flat bread)


Making roti …



When compared to rice, roti is more filling…Rice fails to give the same satiety as 2 rotis would give!This is because rice has fewer dietary fibre, protein and fats when compared to wheat.A large bowl of rice has around 400 calories, which if consumed daily will cover a large portion of daily calorie consumption.For sustainable and progressive weight loss, one must consume a small bowl of rice or 2 rotis….


Exercise is the key to healthy life!





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