Dry Fruits For Weight Loss!!!

Fruits are well known for their role in weight loss and leading a healthy life …but what about the dry fruits?Most of the time we tend to avoid them for many reasons…one such reason is lack of knowledge of implementing dry fruits in our daily diet! Some get furious by knowing their high price and tends to avoid them despite knowing their nutritional importance,benefits,how it helps in weight loss and many more….Dry Fruits For Weight Loss – This article emphasizes the benefits,importance what role they play, how should we incorporate them in our daily diet,recipes,reviews from doctors, things to avoid and much more…


Dry Fruits For Weight Loss!!!


Despite being so small in size and always ready to be eaten, people do not consume dry fruits that often! They are unaware of the fact that dry fruits helps to boost metabolism-which plays a crucial role in losing weight!As they have fiber in them, they keep us fuller for a longer period of time,thus speeding up the process of weight loss.This reduces our appetite which increases the fat burning process! Moreover, they are rich in antioxidants which helps our body to fight against inflammation and oxidative stress.

They are also great for immunity and and contains essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin A,D,E , potassium,calcium,magnesium and more.This blog aims to emphasize the best dry fruits for weight loss that you can easily add to your diet!


By now you have come to know that dry fruits are extremely helpful for weight loss! But what are the benefits ?How do we know that the dry fruits that we are consuming are rich in nutrients or not?If yes.. then how?..So, here’s the answer…

  • High amount of fiber: We know that foods that are rich in fiber helps in weight loss.The exact reason behind it is that fiber gets digested slowly in the body and keeps us fuller for a longer period of time which ultimately reduces our appetite and aids in weight loss.That is why people prefer eating fibrous vegetables , fruits and dry fruits for weight loss. The best dry fruits one can have for weight loss are figs, prunes and apricot.


  • Rich in Antioxidants: Most people are unaware of the role and impact antioxidants have in weight loss process.Antioxidants helps the body to fight against oxidative stress and inflammation which in turn helps in reducing obesity.Inflammation in the body causes the fat cells to expand and have different reactions to a diet, it also causes insulin resistance which can lead to type 2 diabetes .Thus the consumption of dry fruits in our day to day diet is optimum.Dates, prunes,figs have high amount of antioxidant levels which is great for fat loss!!!


  • Helps in boosting Immunity power: Dry fruits are rich source of minerals and are packed with vitamins.They contain vitamins like A,E,K1 and minerals like calcium,magnesium and zinc.Compounds like polyphenol are present in dry fruits which have anti inflammatory properties.Thus dry fruits helps in boosting our immunity poer due to presence of important vitamins and minerals and also helps in weight loss.


By now we have gained enough knowledge about how dry fruits helps in weight loss…Here are some of the dry fruits that have great role to play in our weight loss journey…

  • Almonds
  • Dates
  • Pistachios
  • Walnuts
  • Hazelnuts
  • Brazil Nuts
  • Apricot
  • Prunes
  • Raisins
  • Black currant
  • Figs
  • Goji Berries

Let’s have a detailed discussion about them:

  • ALMONDS: Being low in calories, high in fiber and packed with nutrients almonds are one of the best dry fruits for weight loss.The fiber in almonds  keeps us  fuller for longer and thus inhibits unnecessary cravings! Popularly known, overnight soaked almonds consumed in the morning helps in lowering cholesterol and thus helps in fat loss.
Dry Fruits For Weight Loss!!!


  • DATES:Most consumed in India , dates are sweet in taste but also have numerous health benefits.Having low-fat content and rich in fiber, they are great for weight loss.Studies have shown that dates are good source of energy and helps to reduce cholesterol in our body!
Dry Fruits For Weight Loss!!!
  • PISTACHIOS: Delicious yet nutritious, pistachios are one of the best dry fruits for weight loss.They contain fiber and good amount of healthy fats in them, which keeps you more satiated, reduces the desire to eat unnecessarily thus cutting off those extra unwanted calories from your diet!
Dry Fruits For Weight Loss!!!
  • WALNUTS: Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids and thus are great for heart health and also for brain.Consuming walnuts can boost metabolism and helps in burning fat at a faster rate.Another positive side is that walnuts are rich in fiber and hence reduces our hunger pangs.Studies have shown regular consumption of walnuts increase the level of serotonin in brain that is responsible for mood,memory and sleep.
Dry Fruits For Weight Loss!!!
  • HAZELNUTS: No wonder we have had hazelnut chocolate or coffee but who knew this dry fruit is also beneficial for weight loss!They are packed with antioxidants and nutrients that promotes weight loss.They are rich in fiber and protein and thus these are must haves when in weight loss journey.
Dry Fruits For Weight Loss!!!
  • BRAZIL NUTS: They are mostly native to Amazon rain forest in Peru,Bolivia and Brazil. They are very nutrient dense and are great source of selenium.Brazil nuts helps to regulate our thyroid gland and is also good for heart health and brain health.They have L-arganine which helps in fat loss, thus making it one of the best dry fruit for weight loss.
Dry Fruits For Weight Loss!!!
  • APRICOT: Low in calories and high in fiber, dried apricots are great for weight loss.They taste delicious and also are highly nutritious.They also help in boosting metabolism and thus excellent for our weight loss journey.
Dry Fruits For Weight Loss!!!
  • PRUNES: Packed with nutrients especially fiber, and vitamins such as K,B6,Riboflavin, Prunes are excellent for weight loss.Prunes help with digestion and also constipation.The fiber found in prunes called pectin , reduces cholesterol levels in our body!Thus they are great for those who are on weight loss journey!
Dry Fruits For Weight Loss!!!
  • RAISINS: Just like other dry fruits they are loaded with fiber and have low amount of fat in them.They are part of many Indian sweets and dishes as well.They are highly nutritious as they contain minerals like copper,magnesium,iron and zinc.Studies have shown that regular consumption of raisins suppresses hunger and reduces abdominal fat which is great for weight loss.
Dry Fruits For Weight Loss!!!
  • BLACK CURRANT: Being popular in europe and in western countries , these dry fruits are fullof antioxidants that helps the body to fight against oxidative stress.They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which helps to reduce inflammation in the body.Moreover they are good source of vitamin C and thus reduces the risk of heart disease by lowering the cholesterol levels.
Dry Fruits For Weight Loss!!!


  • FIGS: Also known as “anjeer” in India , they are sweet in taste and loaded with nutrients and fiber, which helps us to keep fuller for longer.They are abundant in antioxidants such as phenolic acids and flavonoids which helps in lowering the cholesterol levels and aids in fat loss!
Dry Fruits For Weight Loss!!!
  • GOJI BERRIES:Goji berries are not only nutrient dense but also have several medicinal properties and are low in calories which makes them an excellent addition to your weight loss diet.


Dry Fruits For Weight Loss!!!


There are numerous ways to include these dry fruits in our daily diet but we tend to limit their use inly in making sweet dishes or some other specific things.They can be and must be used in a variety of ways to get the optimum benefits from them.We mainly stay away from buying them since they are a bit pricy..but if you look at the benefits little bit price is worth it!

We all know about the soaked almonds in the morning..but who consumes them daily?Only a few.Cashews and raisins are used in sweet dishes but none of us are interested to replace sweets with few handful of these which are much better than those sugary items!Same are for the nuts and dates…we tend to limit their use only in certain ways..and this makes us less interested in consuming dry fruits. Here are some recipes which can be made using dry fruits,which are tasty yet nutritious….



  • Take 1 small cup  each of almonds, dates, pistachios, cashews, raisins,walnuts and grind coarsely in a grinder.
  • Now melt 1 and 1/2 cup of jaggery.
  • Add the coarse mixture to the melted jaggery and mix well. At this point you can add sesame seeds as well.
  • Now let the mixture cool a little bit. Then take small amount of Desi ghee on to your palm and shape them into balls.
  • Store in the refrigerator.
  • A very good pre- workout snack and enough to satisfy your sweet cravings.


dry fruits for weight loss



  • In a blender, add 1 and 1/2 cups of milk and to it add 8 soaked almonds and 2 tsp of  powdered pistachios.
  • Next add 2 dates and 10 raisins for sweetness.
  • Add little bit of cardamom pwder for the taste.
  • Blend smoothly and pour it in a glass.
  • Garnish with roasted and chopped walnuts. Your drink is ready!!!
dry fruits for weight loss


  • EATING IN MODERATION: Consuming anything in excess is harmful..so is in the case of dry fruits.Having excess of them may lead to gastric issues and other digestive issues so it is better to keep in mind the proper quantity in which dry fruits must be consumed.
  • CONSUME WITHOUT ADDITIVES: We must consume dry fruits in original form to get the best of the benefits from them.Avoid  those sugar coated and fried dry fruits as they contain high calories which will disrupt the weight loss regime.
  • AUTHENTICITY: Before buying dry fruits from markets or shops or malls we must check their label to know the authenticity.There must be chances of additives added …hence we must be careful.


  • WEIGHT GAIN: Too many dry fruits means too many calories, hence eventually leads to weight gain.
  • OVERCONSUMPTION OF FIBER: Fiber if consumed too much leads to bloating, cramps and constipation.Hence they should be consumed in moderation.
  • SKIN PROBLEMS: Overeating dry fruits causes excess sebum production leading to clogged pores and acne.Hence they must be consumed in very little amount in summer.
  • DIGESTIVE ISSUES: Overeating dry fruits increases the body heat and hence leads tpo gastric problems and digestive issues.They should be consumed mindfully in proper amount.
  • HYPERKALEMIA: Since dry fruits are great source of pottasium, overeating leads to hyperkalemia and diabetes mellitus like issues.


  • DRIED APRICOT: DRIED APRICOTS? SHOCKED RIGHT?…Well dried apricots are great source of fructose and they have 53% of natural sugar content.Hence consuming them in moderation is good for the weight watchers!
  • CASHEWS: Cashews are high in fat and calorie content.Eating too much of them in your weight loss journey is a big no . They must be consumed in moderation when on weight loss regime.


By now, we have completely understood the importance of dry fruits in our diet, what role do they play in weight loss, how to incorporate them in our daily diet and more. The main thing about consuming them is mindfulness….consuming in appropriate quantity.. that will benefit us as well as will not have any side effects. Also prefer those that are easily available in your market and which are seasonal…The main thing is not to separate them from fruits and veggies by looking at their price and what not!We must think them like just other foods we consume in our day to day life…This change has to be permanent. That’s it!!!

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